Wednesday, May 2, 2012

FINALLY...An Acne Treatment That Works!

Hello Fabulous Readers and Welcome to Wednesday!

Hey Everyone, Jessica this week we talk about the issue of acne and how to get rid of it...FAST! Yes it can be embarrassing...especially if you grow a huge blemish before a big event. I mean cover up can only do so much...there is still a bump there! UGH. Frustrating yes and perhaps embarrassing in the moment but remember...everyone gets acne now and then. Yes, even super models...and as you have seen in Proactiv commercials even celebrities! *gasp*!
Cameron Diaz
For me, personally, I am an independent film actress so obviously my face is a major focus on camera. When I put myself out there and I am working on a scene I have so much to think about...and the last thing I need to worry about is if my blemish is visible or not. It is not fun going to a premiere of a film you were in and see yourself and your blemish blown up on the big screen! Not to mention pictures from the film set or movies stills I end up getting tagged in on Facebook...some not so flattering. Since I choose to be so visible to the public I really have to make sure I take perfect care of my skin and stick to a routine to keep it clean at night since I torture all day with makeup and environmental mention a few.

Some do suffer more than others and now there is an ever growing sea of products and solutions to weed through to find what will work for you. Every part of your cleansing routine matters and I have done SO...SO much trial an error in this category I probably could be retired right now off of what I have spent of solutions for acne thus far.

Britney Spears
What is acne? Well, has some amazing information of all things blemish related so I read up on how it actually develops. "An acne blemish begins approximately 2-3 weeks before it appears on your skin’s surface. So while it may seem like you get a pimple overnight, what you’re actually seeing is the final stage of a much longer process...As your skin renews itself, the old cells die, mix with your skin’s natural oils, and are sloughed off. Under normal circumstances, these cells are shed gradually, making room for fresh new skin. But this sloughing process is different for everyone. You might shed cells evenly – or not. Uneven shedding causes dead cells to become sticky, clumping together to form a plug – much like a cork in a bottle. This plug, or comedo, traps oil and bacteria inside the follicle. The plugged follicle begins to swell as your skin continues its normal oil production. Your body then attacks the bacteria with a swarm of white blood cells. The whole process takes 2-3 weeks, culminating in the dreaded pimple."

I use to only think that Salicylic Acid was the solution, so I bought everything containing it. The more I looked into products and tried new things, I started to looked at the label of things that worked, to find the active ingredient used. I have come to find with my skin the best active ingredients that clear up my complexion are Sulfur (best when I use as a mask treatment), Glycolic Acid (best when I use as a toner and also a mask), and Benzoyl Peroxide the only thing I use to spot treat my blemishes!

It has been many years for me to figure out my system of products and active ingredients that actually have an affect on clearing up my blemishes. I only just came to discover over the counter Benzoyl Peroxide a few years ago when I was on a business trip to NYC. I had a meeting with a potential client that was not afraid to ask me about my developed cluster of acne that formed on my jawline by my chin. Wow, were all New Yorker's like this? (I work with two and they are nice so I knew it couldn't be true) Though I was put on the spot and obviously embarrassed about my failed cover-up job she did end up giving me some advice that I took. She told me to go to the drugstore and find Benzoyl Peroxide and after cleansing my face and toning it, just dab it on my problem areas overnight. Immediately after the meeting I did in fact go to the drugstore and purchased what is now a product I will not live without.  

CVS Acne Treatment Gel is always fully in stock at my place and I stash it in every travel and overnight bag I have. I would call this the instant overnight fix, depending on how bad the blemish. Even with my worst though it has reduced the size the next day by at least 50%! It is remarkable and simply a must have. Nothing fancy or expensive either! Just a simple acne solution that works! Getting a blemish is still stressful and annoying but with this I can rest assure I won't have the problem for long :) If you have tried it all and still have not had success, I recommend you try this will only set you back $4. I have tried other brands beside CVS and didn't care for CVS brand is hands down the winner here!

Try it and let me know what you think! The important thing to know about using a treatment this strong with medicine is to keep skin hydrated! I usually put a serum on after cleansing and toning, then spot treat with the Benzoyl Peroxide. The next morning I always tone with Witch Hazel and apply a moisturizer to avoid the drying of the medicine. Benzoyl Peroxide "has been shown to contribute to reducing inflammatory lesions and oil production. And it helps to unclog pores by clearing dead skin cells from follicles to lessen the chance for pore blockages. By helping prevent pores from becoming blocked and targeting the bacteria that cause acne, it works to prevent breakouts before they occur."(
What are some other things you have tried that work for you??

Until next week...Keep On Being Beautiful You!

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