This week is Wild Card week, which means we can talk about anything we want. I just wanted to take the time on my blog day to tell you all we will be celebrating our ONE year anniversary! A year goes by so fast and we have done so much testing, trying and blogging for you all on what we think is the best of the best of products out there in this beautiful world :) We have met some great people and have encountered AMAZING products that we were able to find out about because of the blog and our social media outlets. We have been astonished by international brands and even blown away from brands right in our own back yard. I am honored to get the positive feedback we have received and I know that it will only get better from here.
That being said I want to Welcome you all to the re-birth of our website!!! After blogging for a year and looking at every blog out there in the Internet I have come to realize that beauty has many different faces and is not so cut and dry and pretty. We are all original and different people in this world and we strive to express ourselves and who we are outwardly...this is all a very imperfect process and I want to celebrate the imperfections that make up who we are and make us truly unique beauties. The NEW website will features us as real people, coming clean about our deepest and darkest beauty addictions and afflictions lovingly called Beauty Crimes :) We are all guilty of something...
At a certain point in our lives we realize we must embrace our flaws and live life, this is not an easy realization but it is one that we must all have. The trial and error and struggles with making ourselves a kind of beautiful in magazines and movies is an endless goal. As much as I wished I looked like Scarlett Johansson or Rachel McAdams I remember that they too have their days when they feel less than perfect. Pictures are airbrushed so I am sure if we all had to option to be airbrushed we would, but we will never be fully satisfied!
I love the gritty dark side of beauty and I have learned that the key is to find things that work for you and make you ultimately feel good about yourself. That's what I think beauty is, finding who you are and radiating your confidence and sincerity from the inside, out. All the other things...clothes, hair, makeup, those are the fun things we get to play with :)
I hope you will take a look at the website and look at what new things we already have up and running, The Vanity tab. This is the place where we show you all the products (worked on daily to be caught up with our year of blogging! so please be patient) we have talked about in our blogs, give you details on the item and even link you to the blog where we actually explain the usage of the product. ALL the information you need to make an educated purchase for yourself. Also, we would LOVE to get your feedback on these items too, so we have a section where you can rate and comment!

Another cool social media site I am addicted to (besides Twitter and Facebook) is Pinterest! I can spend all day finding things I love for our Cert Fab boards or commenting on cool pictures I come across...the day flies by when I get to spend time on that :) So I hope we can connect on there too and we can share pictures and recommendations...I love talking to you guys, I get the best advice when I have time to chat with you fabulous web buddies!
Wow, I must be feeling sentimental because I usually love taking advantage of a wild card week to talk celebrities, clothes and makeup! time. Okay, you know I can drone on so I will end this now and hope to talk with you on some form of social media, here or there, on this ever growing Internet.
Have a great week and don't forget to Keep on Being Beautiful You!
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