Hey All, it's Beckie here and this week we're talking about our beautiful eyebrows. If ever there was a part on our body that can totally change your look it's your eyebrows. Have you ever masked out your brows? Or known someone that has lost them? Your face completely changes. They play such a significant roll that we take them for granted... well at least I do. Because I know I neglect my poor little caterpillars sometimes.

The technician basically rolls thread across the hair and pulls it out. Threading has traditionally been used in Arab countries but is also known in Indian and Persian countries. Although I've only gone as far as having my eyebrows and upper lip done, you can also have face, arms and legs done. Results will vary, but I can usually go about every 2 weeks. Cost is pretty reasonable. Prices can range from $6-13 depending on what you have done.
For those that are looking for a brow shop in So Cal, I highly recommend, Perfect Brows. Check them out @ www.myperfectbrows.com. They now have 2 locations, Long Beach, Ca and Orange, Ca.
Have a happy, Y'all!
Beckie B
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