Fresh As A Daisy
Hey All... hope that your week was eventful. Here is Cali, it's really hard to get into Fall. Our weather has been super hot and humid; very unusual for this time of the year.
Well for the past couple of years you've probably heard the word "organic." Either with the vegetables that you buy at the market or maybe in your skin care. Companies like to throw the word around without any explanation. Some have even found themselves in very expensive lawsuits for false advertisement and in turn left a bad taste in the consumers mouth. Experts have even come out to say that organic food has the same food value as non-organic. So here's a quick explanation...
What is Organic?
So at the end of the day, it should be your personal choice and what you think is best for your family.
Now with personal care products there has always been a stigma that they don't perform as well as traditional mainstream products. Well Friends, I'm here to share a product with you that will blow your mind! If you are a weekly reader (which I know ALL of you are-haha) you know that I've shared that I am a very active person. My newest adventure I'm training for is the Spartan Race, . It's pretty wicked. So if I'm not running, I'm at Zumba or Yoga. You can say that I'm pretty much a sweaty Betty! But like most Betty's I don't want to smell like a Lou. So I put Bubble & Bee: Organic Pit Putty to the ultimate test. I took it to the Colorado River where temps sore to over 100 degrees. With a slight hesitation I applied the putty (and yes, it's very similar to a baking soda kind of paste) and went about my day. Sweating, riding jet skiis, sweating a little more and by the end of the day, I was not stinky at all. In fact, I was fresher than when I used a traditional aluminum filled deodorant. I was completely surprised! If you want a safe, effective deodorant, I would highly suggest Pit Putty. Believe me, it's been well tested!
Nobody likes a stinky hug!
Hugs are healthy, keep on lovin'
Beckie B
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