Monday, October 8, 2012

Donate to Breast Cancer Research Just by Shopping!

Since last week's topic was so important to many of the certified F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. bloggers we decided to extend the topic into this week and end Cosmetics for a Cause with one more blog :)
Hey everyone! Gina here, with a very high appreciation for thetopic of Cosmetics with a Cause!

Chances are we can all relate to or benefit from this topic in some way, shape, or form.  A lot of us know of people who radiate their superpowers daily by striving to lead a normal life while dealing with the misery of a disease or disability.  My superhero comes in the form of a grandmother.  She’s battled and beaten cancer and come out on top the strongest I’ve ever seen her. All of us have our own personal stories of the people we’ve watched overcome the obstacles and weaknesses that diseases like cancer cause.  So to do what little I can to help show my support to all of those fighters, I always donate whatever possible to the research and support organizations against cancer. 
I have two new favorites, both of which whose proceeds benefit breast cancer research, they are Sephora’s new Breast Cancer Awareness Makeup Pallete and Essie’s Breast Cancer AwarenessCollection.  The Essie collection is a set of three shades of pink that I LOVE! Nail polish in general is a huge addiction of mine, but throw in the fact that it’s pink and supports breast cancer awareness and I’m SOLD! The trio is comprised of the colors; Check-Up, I Am Strong, and We’re in it Together.  Essie has amazing nail polish that is smooth and long lasting  and the shades are vibrant beautiful light pinks. 
The Sephora Collection pallete features lip gloss, LOTS of eyeshadows, and blush.  The color range is good and the product all together is good quality.  I love the cute compact that it comes in that looks like a Sephora shopping bag! My favorite part about purchasing both of these products was not only that I was getting new make up (my favorite shopping!!) but that a portion of the proceeds went to benefit the research supporting all of those strong patients out there who are battling cancer. 

To all of you out there who may now be or have already fought cancer, all of my respect and best wishes go out to you!

Hope everyone is having a FABULOUS week!  ~ Gina

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