Friday, March 2, 2012

Bling Isn’t Just For Your Fingers…

Thank Goodness it’s Friday!  I don’t know about you, but I’ve been looking forward to today since Monday.  So I’m the lucky girl that gets to wrap up crazy lip week.  It’s been pretty wild around here.

Sara, Jessica and I tried the Violent Lip tattoos and we all had different experiences with them.  I will be the first to tell you, I’m not that coordinated of a girl.  I have a hard time putting fake eye lashes on.  So thank goodness Violent Lips gives you more than just one set to use because I used all of them for one night- HA HA!  With a little help and A LOT of patience I was set for the night with Hot Pink glitter lips.  I would have to say that it was fun to see people’s reaction when I was talking to them.  I’d watch their eyes slowly move from mine down to my lips… “Like moths to the flame.”  It was pretty funny.  It was pretty nice not having to keep reapplying my lipstick all night.  I was pretty much covered all night.  Even with drinking (and a little kissin’) the tattoo stayed on.  Pretty amazing!
Some other out of the ordinary lip products I came across are from a website,  This company has cornered the market on kookiness!  I mean seriously, corn dog lip balm?  Or how about bacon flavored?  Silly!  Even better, if you’re looking to add a little spice your day, how about Wasabi lip balm.  クレイジ (crazy!)

Below is quick little quiz to figure out what kind of lip gloss you are… Totally fun!

Well friends, just because the month of love is over (and also my birthday month) don’t stop loving each other.
Until next week where we learn the secret art of concealing,


beckie b

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