Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Dreaded Razor Bumps

Greetings Grayce here,

Razor bumps on your face neck legs or your bikini line can be very challenging to treat.  I cannot say there is one simple cure!

Razor bumps are hairs that first grow out the skin, but then turn and grow back into skin. Ingrown hairs, on the other hand, never break the skin’s surface but continue growing back into the hair follicle. Both conditions are still hair invading the skin, and they’re prevented and treated similarly.

Shaving on one hand depletes moisture from your skin and cuts hair blunt, both creating breeding grounds for the hair to grow back into the skin.

Ø  Clean clean razor

Ø  A hot shower before shaving helps to open the pores.

Ø  Use a shaving gel or cream – cold water right after.

Ø  Shave in the direction of hair growth

There are some simple changes to your routine like: not shaving with excessive pressure, using a shaving oil and shaving brush, and choosing the right razor will help you seeing less redness and bumps.

My grandmother was a proponent for salt yes salt she had us taking Epsom salt baths and treating most ailments with this salt.

Salt is not only exfoliating, but also helps increase circulation, promote healing and reduce swelling to the skin. You can use salt and its based products to prevent ingrown hairs and ward them off.

Not to use on nicks or irritated or freshly shaved skin. Mix required amount in warm water & apply to the area. Leave it on or depending on the area soak in a tub with a least 2 cups of Epsom Salt add a few drop of you favorite essential oil fabulous remedy.
I know of only 1 company that is in the process of formulating a fabulous product to ward off bumps, it is expected to be available later this year. Will keep you posted on their launch.

enjoy the journey!

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