Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Glow on the Go

 Hello and Happy Tuesday everyone!  I love these summer product posts, as we’re now paying much closer attention to our physique, skin, and overall appearance—and hopefully to Cert Fab too!  How can we not, with sun dresses and bathing suits as major components of our wardrobe and with so many opportunities to catch up with old friends (or flames)!

In the spirit of looking our best—a little glow can never hurt.  I’d assume that most followers of this blog take enough care of their skin to lather up with a 15 or 30 before hitting the sun, so chances are you’re not getting as much glow as you’d like to really rock that little sundress.  Either that, or—like most of us—you spend all week in an office and then need a little glow to tame that office pallor in the weekend.
Desperate times like these call for desperate measures, and for me that means taking at least 30 minutes longer to get ready for summer events, so as to be able to use a tan towelette/wipe and let it dry before throwing on that fun dress or beach outfit.  I’ve become a huge fan of these products because I can just throw one in a weekend bag and be good to go for the night.
Of the moment, my favorite tan towelettes/wipes/whatever you want to call them are by Kate Somerville.  Basically I found one, it worked, and I stuck with it because I didn’t want to mess with others.  It goes on well, hasn’t streaked for me thus far (which might have something to do with my crazy pre-toweling body scrubbing), and I can tolerate the scent, which is quite unique. 
So if you’re interested in trying a self tanner this summer, I’d definitely recommend Kate Somerville’s. 
Until next week, this is Tara wishing you the very best!

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