Thursday, July 19, 2012

Remember when you had nice white bright teeth!!


Greetings Grayce here!

Remember when….


 I love clean white teeth – wish I had them all the time …

This has been my nemesis for years I am a coffee & tea person. My teeth get stained very quickly and I am always looking for that quick fix. I have had the dentist
perform a teeth whitening procedure many years ago, it was pretty good but my gums were sore for days..

Every see these…

I regularly use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash; however, I do drink a lot of coffee cannot give that up…

I really like the sheer white strips very easy to use for whitening & bleaching. They adhere to your teeth no mess, just apply wrap them over your teeth you can even make slight indents to mimic you own teeth, fit is perfect.

They have a slight minty taste; just leave on for a few hours or overnight. I recommend a few consecutive applications but they do last for about 3 weeks. Then reapply.
 Enjoy the journey!!


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