Friday, July 20, 2012

Your Smile Is So Bright, I Have to Wear Shades

Hi Everyone and Happy Friday to you! 

So let me ask you a question, what is the first thing you notice about someone when you first meet them?  Their eyes? Maybe their hair?  OR maybe it’s their teeth?  I have to admit, that’s the first thing I look at.  Is that bad?  The experts say that your teeth show your age and your life style.  What do you think?  Personally, I think more your life style than your age.  If you smoke or drink coffee or tea, your teeth will become discolored.  But also, just genetics can be against you too.  Some people are just born with bad teeth.

So what can you do?  Change your lifestyle?  You sure can’t change your genes.  You could pour out tons of cash and go and get your teeth whitened professionally.  But why when there are products that you can use at home that work just as well.  I used to think that my teeth weren’t bad until I was going thru some pictures of my GF and I and I looked at my teeth compared to hers (she whitened hers). Mine were SOOOOO yellow compared to hers.  I have to say, I was slightly embarrassed that here I’m out there smiling away with NASTY teeth.  How gross!
I asked her, what do you do to get your teeth so white?  She told me to use Rembrandt 2 hour whitening kit.  Really?  2 hrs?  Well after purchasing and actually reading the directions, it’s not really 2 hrs.  It’s increments of 2 hrs.  Which, no biggy I didn’t mind because it was so easy!  In the kit, they give you 2 molds that you shape to your mouth, so they fit perfectly to you.  Then you simply squeeze the whitening gel into the mold and wait 10-15 minutes for the magic to happen.   Viola!  Bright happy smile!

Did you know that it takes 26 muscles in your face to smile?

You burn 1.3 calories/minute laughing, what a great way to work out!

Be good to each other!
Beckie B

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