Friday, December 23, 2011

Don’t Be Afraid of Change…

Well Friends, we are 2 days away… are you ready for the big event?  Hi All, its Beckie here and personally I’m still wrapping and have one more gift to buy.  Yes, I am the Procrastination Queen, but I love it… in fact I thrive on it!  Some of my best ideas have come at the eleventh hour, of course when I wake up the next morning, they don’t always seem that great.

So, Hair. We all have it; some more, some less.  If you are like me, you walk down the aisle in any beauty store and ask yourself, what do all these products do?  Do I need ALL of them?  What type of hair do I have?  So this is the approach I take.  Over the years, I think I have tried over 100 different shampoos/conditioners, hair sprays, gels, pomades, you get it!  If it sprays, pumps or comes out of a tube I’ve tried it.  Trying all these products mostly comes from me being ADHD about my hair styles.  In junior high I had a perm with what I referred to as “wave” bangs.  I would use gel and then comb it over and curl the end around like a little pin curl.  Really?  Hold on, it gets better!  In high school, I still had a perm but now I had what we refer to here in California as “Cha-Cha” bangs or “the fly catcher.”  I would curl them with a curling iron, tease them and spray the heck out of them so they would stand about 3” tall.  Since then I’ve been a little more conservative in the height of my hair, but still like to style it a bunch of different ways.

I have what I refer to as renegade curly hair.  It has body, but curls only when it wants to.  So depending on the weather, I can straighten my hair or make it curly.  When I’m straightening my hair I like to use a product from Tigi’s SFactor line.  It’s called SeriouslyStraight and its spray that you can put on when your hair is wet and then blow dry or spray on right before you use your flat iron.  Because my hair is on the thin side, what I like to do is blow dry my hair straight and then spray a small amount of the Seriously Straight in my hand and pat it over my locks.  That way it doesn’t weigh my hair down or make it look greasy.  Now if I want to go curly.  My go to is also from Tigi, but its part of the Rockaholic  line.  It’s this great Spray Pomade, called Groupie.  I apply it to my hair when it’s wet and then use my diffuser to dry.  The product isn’t heavy; it just allows the curls to separate unlike a typical gel.

For the final finishing touch, I use Tresemme’s Extra FirmControl aerosol hairspray.  This hairspray is like Aquanet on steroids!  I’m pretty sure I could go through a hurricane and my hair would still be in place.  Now I haven’t tested that, so don’t hold me to it, but I think it would work.  It has held up to rain storms and the wonderful humidity of the great state of Texas.

Overall friends, don’t be afraid to try products.  Most retailers have great return policies, so if you don’t like it, take it back!

Wishing you happiness and good cheer this holiday season!

Beckie B

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