Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Moisturizing Magic For Your Hair

Hi everyone. Tara here. I hope you’re enjoying this festive time of year. It’s truly the most wonderful time!

In light of how little time many people are spending in front of computers or smart phones this week, I’ll try and keep my post on Hair Treatment short and sweet. This is easy to do, as there is really only one product I rely on for this purpose…

Egyptian Magic is my favorite all-purpose moisturizing balm. I use it for severely dry skin, lips, scars, and—of course—as a moisturizing hair mask. This stuff is truly incredible. It’s a waxy balm in the jar, but as soon as you spoon some product out and rub it in your hands, it turns into a much smoother and lighter product to apply wherever you need intense moisture. In the winter, when I begin blow-drying my hair quite a bit more, I like to apply the balm from the ends of my hair up to mid-level (I rarely need any extra moisture near the scalp) once every few weeks or month. I’ll sleep on it, and when I wake it will have seeped in and moisturized my hair perfectly—just as it does when applied to my skin!
I can’t speak highly enough about this product. It’s truly an all purpose solution, and is definitely worth having around for many different moisturizing solutions. The price seems a bit high at first, but it's a 4 oz. package, and when compared to 1 oz. packages of other brands, it's comparable. Plus, I promise you'll have this product for a long time, as you'll use only a small amount at a time.

Enjoy this holiday week, and talk to you again in 2012!

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