Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Luscious Locks that Steal the Show :)

Happy Wednesday Fabulous Readers!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and you were able to relax with family and friends :)

This week we are talking about hair masks and treatments, which I use a lot. As I have told you my hair is long and VERY thick...gets frizzy thanks to a few perms and countless hair dying. To fix the mess I make of it I rarely use a hair drier to dry my hair, it would make my hair ten times frizzy and uncontrollable!

I always condition my hair after shampooing but it usually needs more than that. As soon as I towel dry my hair I apply extra strength Moroccan Argan Oil, and this product is AMAZING! It is something I must ALWAYS do as soon as my hair is toweled dry. I can not live without an oil leave in treatment and this is the best. I have tried others but nothing has been as hydrating for my hair like the Moroccan Argan Oil has. The consistency is perfect and it never makes my hair look or feel greasy/oily.  

Another beauty that Grayce actually brought to my attention is Phyto Relaxing Serum, which I apply to my ends on top on the oil for the extra repair of my damaged/split ends. It also smells amazing and feels very light so it won't weigh down my hair.

I also really like the frizz ease leave in serums, I usually buy the Frizz Ease Hair Serum Extra‑Strength Formula. Leave in serums and oils are always the best for dry hair! I recommend using one of these after you get out of the shower. The best time to prep hair to behave is when it is towel dried. If you have dry hair I would say to not blow dry it but I know there are times when you MUST.
I hoped this helped!If you have any questions just ask! I know hair, I have enough of it, haha.
Until next time..Keep on Being Beautiful You!
Happy New Year!!!!

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