Friday, December 30, 2011

3…2...1….Happy New Year!

The New Year is days, almost hours in front of us and the anticipation of 2012 is killing me! Hey Dear Readers, you know me, I’m Beckie.  So have you made any New Year’s resolutions?  Are you going to make any changes this year?  I’m still thinking about mine.   I think with all that is going on in the world, I will start with being thankful for what I have;  a wonderful family, great friends and two beautiful, healthy children.  We get so caught up in the day and we forget to use these 2 simple words… Thank You!  It’s amazing the impact you can have on someone’s day with those words.

Well with New Year’s Day quickly approaching, that also means New Year’s Eve parties the night before.  Is your hair ready for the party?  Something I never thought about doing was putting a mask on my hair.  I just never had the time or made the time.  I just thought well, I have long hair and accepted the split ends.  But you don’t have to!  Especially with the harsh winter elements, coupled with your every day routine of blow dry/curl/spray, you’re poor hair takes some major abuse.  So why not love it like your skin? 

A product that I use about 2-3 times a week is from Ojon.  It’s called Damage Reverse.  Let me tell you, it does reverse the damage I put my hair through.  It helps detangle and makes my hair smooth, but also repairs the destruction with their special concoction of Ojon oils and macadamia oil, my hair is restored and healthy looking.  I love that it doesn’t make my hair oily looking or weighted down.  Just apply a small amount to your wet hair prior to blow drying and Voila! Happy Healthy Hair!

Wishing you, my dearest readers, the happiest and healthiest year in 2012!

Beckie b

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