Monday, February 27, 2012

a different kind of lip....

Happy Monday!

This week was unusual lip week and what that translated for me was try Violent lips.  These are Lip temporary tattoos.  I am so fascinated by temporary tattoo make-up.  I think the concept is genius.  If you are not a professional Make-up artist and you like unique make-up looks, temp make-up tattoos it is such a great way to play with your look..

  I tried the Pink Glitteratti, they were glittery and Pink, totally fun.  You have to cut them to your own size lips... READ the instructions :) they are helpful, lol.

They have a video that will walk you through it as well.

Also, on Friday we will post on our a vidoe of me attempting to put the lips on for the first time YouTube Channel ... If you want a laugh, watch...

Have a great week!!!


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