Friday, February 24, 2012

Gloss Your Way to Perfection

Hi All and Happy Luscious Lip Friday… Ok I’ll admit it… I hate wearing lip stick… I do!  Well ok.. I have 1 tube of it and it’s bright red.  But I only pull that one out on special occasions.  What I do love is lip gloss; especially ones that stain your lips or are colored so I don’t look like a corpse.  I’m a glossy lip kinda girl.  I’m not too fond of the matte look on me, so the lip gloss is right up my alley.

What are my “go-to” favorites?  Funny you should ask… well, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS have in my arsenal or my magic bag as my mom and I joke, is from MAC.  I just like the lip glass.  It’s clear and I can layer it over any shade of lip liner I want.  It stays on forever and I feel like my lips are protected.  I will say that it is a bit on the sticky side, so beware of fly-away hairs, insects, small children – LOL!

For colored though, I really like Liplicious from Bath andBody Works.  They have a lot of tasty flavors, but my favorite is Cherry Gelato.  If it’s just an everyday or if you are going out, they offer ones with glitter or just plain.  The consistency is perfect; not too sticky and not too running that you think once you take a drink, there goes your color.

Did you know…

Lip gloss was invented by Max Factor in 1930. His reason for this was to make lips glossy or shiny for films.

Make it a great weekend!

Beckie B

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