Monday, July 30, 2012

A Wrench In The Mix

Hey everyone, Gina here, and this weeks topic is body firmers. So as it goes being so young, I have yet to find that I really have a need for a body firmer.  My young age tends to grace the suppleness and elasticity in my premature skin. So while the rest of the lovely ladies this week talk to you about firming methods, I decided to throw a wrench into the mix and talk about my new favorite product.

I was just introduced to this product and after using it I have become instantly IN LOVE! My hair is one of my favorite accessories that I am always trying new things with, so finding a new product this good is like Christmas!  The product that I am so recently infatuated with is Not Your Mother’s Beach BabeTexturizing Sea Salt Spray.

This texturizing spray just does it for me.  It makes styling my hair the easiest part of my morning regimen, which when facing MY hair, is a blessing! I was at the beach one day with a friend whose hair looked fantastic.  She has really thin, stick straight hair so I didn’t understand where these tousled waves had come from, especially since we hadn’t even been in the water yet! When I asked her about her hair she told me about this new beach spray she had found and I knew I HAD to try it.  I was a little skeptical at first because I already have naturally wavy/curly hair, so I figured that it wouldn’t do that much, but when faced with the incredibly reasonable price tag of five dollars, I decided it couldn’t hurt one way or another, I mean, what young adult wouldn't LOVE a cheap product that really works!  

I went home that night and after showering I sprayed a generous amount on my damp hair and then went out letting my hair air dry.  OH MY GOD was I amazed.  I LOVE the way the curls and waves flounced about my shoulders, and how the aroma is deliciously beachy without being overbearing.  Not only this, but my hair was still smooth and soft like I had no product in it at all.  It definitely gave my hair that extra boost, really defining each shining wavy curl from the next.  After being out for hours I came home to both my mom and sister commenting on how good my hair looked, making me aware that the product also LASTS!  Beach Babe is a product I see myself being able to use year round, one that will most definitely follow me to college, especially for those times before classes with little time to get ready!
So after realizing how much I love the beach babe spray, how easy it makes getting ready, and seeing how versatile it was on different hair types, I was so impressed that i decided to research the brand a little and see what other products they had to offer.  Not Your Mother’s is an upcoming brand that launched in 2010 geared towards “a young, trend-savvy audience”.  Their dedication to their philosophy of creating salon quality products at department store prices is what really sets them apart.  But if this isn’t enough to catch your eye when browsing through local store shelves, then the flashy bottles sure will be.  I love the look of their bottles, each of which appears with vibrant colored hair cascading down the length of product. 
                They’re so fun and bold and definitely stand out!    Between the presentation and the success of my first product I definitely see myself purchasing more products from this line in the near future.  Now that I’ve gone on and on about my FAVORITE new beauty product, you’ll all have to go out and try it to tell me what you think! (:
Until next time my friends! 

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