Friday, July 27, 2012

Clay isn’t just for Pots Anymore!

Hey Friends and Happy Friday to you!  

Can you believe that summer is half way over?  It makes my heart sad to think about wool sweaters and thick socks.

Anyway, this week we’ve been talking about clay treatments for your skin.  I know when I first came into the beauty industry I thought clay?  Really?  But as I talked with friends and colleagues I realized how amazing clay can be for your skin. 

As a woman, our bodies go through so much month to month and depending on your age you could be going through A LOT of changes.  Hormones play mean games with our skin and they don’t play clean.  My doctor put me on a birth control a while ago that made me break-out all over my back and arms. Super!  To add fuel to the fire, it was Spring time and all I wanted to wear was tank tops and sundresses.  Let’s just say, my skin was not very appealing to look at and I was VERY self-conscious about it.

So I called up my dear friend, the natural skin expert.  He suggested that I use a clay bar to help clear up my skin.  He said that the clay would act as an astringent and clean my pores out and it did.  Whew!  Skin catastrophe resolved.

Since then I haven’t stopped using clay soap.  Now I will say that I don’t use it every day, but usually after running or a good sweat I like to wash with it.  It makes my skin feel renewed and clean without stripping away the natural oils.

One of my favorites is from Kanwa Minerals (  Their clay soaps are absolutely amazing and smell delish.  Currently in my shower, I have their Blue Sky bar.  With the natural coconut oil and pineapple oil it helps to hydrates and brings back to life your tired skin by helping to rid skin of dead cells and dirt.  I have also tried their Mountain Rain soap too which has a hint of lavender in it.

Well wonderful Fabbers, until next week.

And remember, hugs are free and more sanitary than shaking hands!

So, hugs and hold the kisses!
Beckie b

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