Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Remedy for this Unsightly Dry Skin!

Hello there!
Gina here, with the very fitting topic this week of dead skin body buffers! I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m already starting to get the rough dry skin patches that the winter is notorious for assaulting my skin with! Between the mixture of cold drying air at night and heavy rainy wet days my skin is looking highly in need of a little pick me up!  However, being away from home I didn’t have all of the usual bathroom closet season essentials I normally would.  So it was within the product junkie of a roommate that I turned to for advice!  She told me about a few products that all worked really well but didn’t have a favorite.  So in desperation I searched online on my FAVORITE time hoarding addiction Pinterest.  (Tiny side note: If you haven’t checked out Pinterest yet GET ON IT! I am absolutely in LOVE with it! And make sure you check out the Certified Fabulous boards while you’re there!)
So anyways, one of the popular buffers they showed online was Kai.  Remembering that this is one of the brands my roommate told me about I searched it a little more.  I’d heard of this brand before but never used any products from their line so I read reviews and it sounded pretty decent.  I then ordered a Kai Body Buffer to try to remedy some of this unsightly dry skin. 
It’s a set of two sponges that when you shower and get wet emit little scent bubbles while pumicing away your dead skin.  I used it all over my body.  I loved the scent in the shower, it smells like a tropical vacation and in a rainy time like this the image of a beach floating though my head was extremely relaxing.  It wasn’t until my second use of the Kai that I really started to notice a difference in my skins texture, but after a week of using it, I rarely every see a single patch of dry skin anywhere on my body.  It has worked wonders for me! My back and shoulders due to the lack of sunshine and vitamin D tend to see a lot more dead skin and breakouts during the winter months however within the past few weeks of using the Kai buffing sponges I see minimal to no breakouts as well.  There is nothing from the product claiming that this will help with such problems but away with my dead skin so went the acne. 
I love the Kai Body Buffer and I would highly recommend it to anyone!  My skin looks and feels smoother and more radiant.  So to all of you out there battling dry skin with the changing of leaves, I would definitely try the Kai buffer! Its amazing!
Have a great week everyone!
Until next time friends,

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