Friday, March 9, 2012

Bet You Can’t Guess What I Did Last Night…

Hello my dear friends and Happy Friday!  What an amazing week this has been, right? So we all have been chatting and sharing about our favorite ways to conceal and cover up our not so pleasant guests.

Is it me or do these unsightly guests show up at the most inopportune time?  It could be a wedding, a job interview or just your 1st date.  It’s like Mother Nature is just sitting back with her magic wand waiting, watching and laughing at us right?  Well when that happens, raise your fist and shout…”Incoming!!!” 
I have found the answer from a company called…  (Get it?)  Their Liquid Time Balm is formula ted to not only cover up; but also zap that zit with the natural properties of tea tree oil.  I will warn you, a little bit goes along way and it stays on all day and doesn’t move.  Like I said, this stuff is the BOMB… I mean theBalm.  I do like to use it under my eyes for those early morning, late night adventures.  It covers up the damage from the night before and reduces the puffiness too.  But again, a little goes along way. 
One of my other secret weapons is from Peter ThomasRoth.  He has created a one stop shop with his Un-Wrinkle dual kit.  One end has an under eye brightener and the other end is a concealer.  AWEsome!  What I like to do, is apply my favorite moisturizer (recently my new love is, Josie Moran’s Daily) and then apply the brightener mixed with the concealer.  It makes a creamy brighter concealer and looks like I don’t have two fluorescent rings under my eyes.   Perfect! I can get by with telling everyone, “Sure, I got 6 hours of sleep last night.” 
Have a terrific weekend and remember to be kind to others; you never know who they could be.

Beckie b

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