Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Eye Light, Eye Bright...

Hi All, and Happy Tuesday! It’s Tara here, and I’m excited as ever for today’s post. Sometimes I come across a week with a topic for which I have a real gem to share—and this is one of those weeks!

Suppose I’ll get right into it, then.

An all time favorite eye product of mine—perhaps THE all time favorite—is Shu Uemera’s double end concealer pencil. Whether it was intended for this use or not, I always line my bottom inner lid with the nude shade of this pencil when doing eye makeup (which, for those of you who follow my posts, is only when I go out or have an event). I use this on my bottom lid instead of dark liner, as it really opens up my eyes and provides a nice contrast to a smoky upper lid.

This product makes a huge difference under lights, and in photos. The Shu Uemera crayon comes in three different color duos (six colors total) and works wonders as a spot cover up (its intended purpose…) as well. I use the lighter end of the pencil on the inside spot in the middle of my upper and lower eye lids, and the darker, nude shade on the inside rim of my lower lid.

I urge you to try an eye-brightening product of this kind, and see how it works for you! Take before and after pictures, and send them our way! We love to not only read and hear about your beauty improvements, but see them too!

Until next time, I hope you have a great week!

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