Friday, March 16, 2012

Eyes Wide Open

Hey Everyone, can you believe it’s Friday already?  Before you know it, we’ll be talking about sunscreens again and tanning products.  Well I have to agree with the other girls, this has been a fun topic to talk about and try.  Who doesn’t love eye shadow?

One of my dear fashionista friends said to me, “When I don’t know what to wear, I put on all black and do up my eyes fierce!”  I have to say I agree with her.  Growing up though was a different story.  I didn’t start wearing make up until I was well into my 20’s and then it was very little- (I won’t even tell you when I started plucking my eyebrows).  In the last few years, I’ve come into my own makeup self.  I find myself just doing it for fun… not because I’m going out.  It could be because I’m doing laundry.
Recently, I’ve really started to like the cream shadows from Make Up For Ever and MAC.  I love the versatility that they offer.  It’s kind of like you get more bang for your buck.  You can use them as an eye liner or a shadow if you want a really bold look.  Another added bonus, they don’t crease.  So when you’re dancing like a disco diva, you don’t have to worry about your eyes sweating off. SCORE!  Because I know we’ve all been there, thinking we still look like we did when we left the house and then look in the mirror later in the night and HELLO, raccoon eyes!  I say Boo to that!
Another favorite of mine is from Urban Decay.  Their 24/7 Glide-On pencils are awesome.  I own probably about 6 different colors, but my favorite is “baked.”  My eyes are greenish hazel, so for everyday eyes I usually go pretty neutral with browns and golds.  What I like to do with this specific eye liner is run a little under my bottom lashes.  It totally brings out the color in my eyes and brightens them too.

Occasionally I find some really cool websites and just the other day I came across this site with some very original art and I thought I’d share.  Luana Kaufman is the artist’s name and she does amazing work.  Check out, www. or Her work is very unique, I love it!
Did you know…

Kohl was the first recorded eye shadow. Many people mistakenly believe that kohl was just crushed charcoal, but real kohl has a surprising amount of ingredients. Specific formulations of crushed antimony, lead, oxidized copper, ochre, burnt almonds, ash, malachite, and chrysocolla were all part of the popular recipe.

 Remember, love yourself and others will follow.



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