Friday, July 6, 2012

7 Wonders in 1 Bottle?

Hello Everyone and welcome to Friday of a kinda strange week.  Don’t get me wrong, I like a little break in the week, but what a tease;   not working on Wednesday, but then having to come back and focus for 2 more days.  It’s really hard!

So this week we’ve been discussing anti-aging body products.  I will admit, the skin on my body is really the last place I think about when it comes to anti-aging products.  I think my face and wrinkle creams for my eyes.  But why not have anti-aging products for your body?  It makes sense right?
I thought I would start simple, a body wash.  So I had seen all these ads in magazines for Oil of Olay’s Total Effects body wash.  It claims to improve elasticity and help keep skin from drying out.  This wash also claims to help even out skin tone and give you a healthy glow.  Yes, yes, yes and YES!  The people at Oil of Olay really out did themselves with this formula.  I really love this stuff.  After showering, my skin feels clean but not greasy and I don’t feel like I have to apply lotion like usual. One of the best thing I like about this is the price.  Sometimes with some products you don’t want to use them everyday because you don’t want to run out, so you may not get the full effect of the product.  But with this one it runs about $7 on average and you don’t have to use a lot of it so it lasts a long time. BONUS!
Next step… anti-aging lotion.
Until next week friends,

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