Monday, July 9, 2012

A few tid bits on Bronzers

Happy Monday Everyone,

Here are a few points on Bronzers...

  1. Bronzers are a great way to add a bit of color to your face and or body no matter the time of year.  
  2.  Bronzers are different from self tanners because bronzers are Make- up made up of oil (mineral mostly, sometime Jojoba and other oils are used) mixed with talc (to absorb), Mica (for iridescence) and Iron Oxides (for color).  This will wash off in the shower.... Self tanners actually stain the skin and last for a few days.
  3. You should take into consideration the color of the bronzer you are going to apply, just as you would a foundation (but obviously you want this to be darker than you skin tone). Look at the tone of the Bronzer, make sure it is not too dark, it may not have a natural look (which it should)...  Try it out on the back of your hand to see if it is going to be the right color for you.
  4. When you are planning to bronze your face, please do not forget your neck and bust area..  If you stop at the jaw line, it creates a fake look.... (not so pretty)...
  5. Use a big powder brush to apply... Dab into the bronzer, shake off the extra and then in sweeping motions apply to the face, neck, body, etc....
  6. Due to the fact we are tanner in the summer months than the winter months, you made need 2 different color bronzers for the 2 seasons.
  7. After you apply your bronzer, make sure to still apply blush, to help with your "healthy glow" look...
Have a great week!


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