Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Are You a Beauty Criminal?

Beauty Criminal Accomplice -

Are you a Beauty Criminal?

Beauty and Crime go hand and hand. How you ask? Beauty is not perfect…it’s gritty and has flaws just like everything else. We have all been accused and found guilty of beauty crimes…some more than others, but whatever the case, our crimes have made us who we are and force us to strive for nothing but the best for our individual beauty needs and wants.

And who are we?  We are a team of beauty industry professionals that spend day and night to find products that work in creating your own unique beauty. If you saw our team in a crowd you would assume us to be strangers, but our differences are what brought us together and we make sure what information we share with you comes from the heart.
Some call us Vigilantes in the beauty world, others Beauty Criminals...we prefer Certified Fabulous.
The Secret is Out…

Want to be a Certified F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.
Beauty Criminal Accomplice?

Once you join the team you will get to see exclusive videos, enter in contests and fill out fun surveys. Plus you will also get full advantage of the Certified F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. blogger beauty picks in the Vanity, where you can quickly find products based on category, learn more about them and read the bloggers review! Rate and review the products yourselves on the site and interact with other Beauty Criminal Accomplices.

Receive Classified reports on new brands, products and events before anyone else. Gain Top Secret Access to live interactions with the Beauty Criminal Bloggers and much, much more!
Become our accomplice and help us
in the fight for beauty!
Your crimes are safe with us :)

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